The Queen's Village
Original photo used for article below, taken November 29th, 1945
Photo Credit - Cecile Chauvin
And as Paul Harvey famously said, "Here's the rest of the story":
Father Kempnick used to ride with Frank Chauvin to the Courthouse and St. Michael's in their respective carriages. Before crossing the crevasse, Frank told Fr. Kempnick not to cross there, rather, go around on higher ground where the horse wouldn't have to struggle through the wet sand. They were late for an engagement and Fr. Kempnick insisted on plunging forward. Horse's hooves are like suction cups unlike the cleft hoof of an ox, and most people knew that a horse couldn't last long in mud or wet sand. Fr. Kempnick's faith in Lucifer was obviously high!
Story relayed from Frank Chauvin to his son, Charlie, and to his son, Henry Chauvin